In the chaser model, agent ‘i’ tries to chase the agent ‘i+1’ excluding the edge case condition. In the simulations below, a time step is considered to be 0.
Robotarium is a free multi-agents robots hardware platform launched by Prof. Magnus Egerstedt’s lab from GaTech. It is developed by the intention of bringing the multi-agent hardware platform accessible to everyone, as maintaining it is expensive and not everyone can afford it.
In this demo, I have used Model Predictive Controller to avoid a head-on collision for cars trying to swap their position following their given input trajectories.
Hardware design Our car is based on mit-racecar project but I had to optimize the design because I need to enclose the skeleton into the body to look like a real car.
We at Interactive Robotics Lab at ASU are working on RC-car based robotics platform for multi-agent research. We call it f1/10car which stands for Fast - 1/10th (scale) - Cooperative - Autonomous - Robot.